New York State AOH/LAOH Food Drive
Greetings Brothers and Sisters of New York State!
We hope this letter finds you well and that you all had a safe and happy St. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Lenten Season. At the Spring Board meetings in East Durham, the AOH and LAOH will be sponsoring a Backpack Food Program. This is to benefit the students and families in the Cairo-Durham Central School District in the struggle with food insecurity. School backpack programs provide food items over a weekend and during summer when schools are not in session.
We are excited to announce this year’s project: “Stuff the Bus”! We are aiming to fill a Cairo-Durham school bus with items donated by our generous Hibernian Brothers and
Sisters. We are asking that all Divisions, Counties, and individuals in attendance, support this program. Due to the nature of the program, we are looking for specific shelf-stable non-perishable foods. Any of these foods can be purchased in bulk through Amazon, or at stores such as Costco, Sam’s Club, and the like.
Below is a list of needed items:
● Peanut Butter, Jelly, Tuna, Soups (Ramen and Cup of Soup), Mac n Cheese cups., Spaghetti O’s, Pasta, Sauce.
● Jello and Pudding Snack Packs, Snack size cookies, chips and pretzels, Microwave popcorn.
● Granola Bars, Cereal Bars. Pop Tarts, Fruit Cups, Single Serve Cereal, Juice Boxes, Instant Oatmeal, Raisins, Fruit Cups.
Please also see the attached flyer and disseminate to your respective members.
Thank you in advance for your support. Through the power and generosity of our Brother and Sister Hibernians in New York State, we can truly fulfill our Motto of Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity as we “Stuff the Bus”!
Please feel free to contact us with questions or concerns:
Tim Tobin 607-742-2723 (text) or by email at
Maura McSweeney 518-222-4162 (text is best) or by email at
In Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,
Maura McSweeney
NYS LAOH Office of Missions and Charities
Tim Tobin
NYAOH Charities & Missions Chair