On this fourth Sunday in Lent, Jesus illustrates that seeing ourselves and others as God sees us is not a simple task. It is a part of our maturing in faith. The story of the blind man gives us the courage to see with the eyes of our hearts.

When I was in high school and attended a retreat, we participants sang a song that said, “Open the eyes of my heart Lord. I want to see you.” Jesus reached out to the blind man and gave him back his sight. Secondly, I was amazed by Jesus’ statement that this man’s blindness and the eventual return of his sight will be a reason to give glory to God.

Sometimes, the things that we see in ourselves, or others can limit us. God can use these things to reveal something good. The return of sight to this blind man didn’t just offer him physical sight but offered spiritual sight to see Jesus as prophet, healer, and Messiah.

This story illustrates that even as we go through our activities of daily life, God sees us and at our deepest moments of need, he steps in to give our vision a wider view. Having our eyes opened to the reality of our own sins and failings can be a very frightening experience. What are the things that blind us from seeing ourselves or others as God sees us?

As we grow in a deeper understanding of Jesus, our faith leads us to a more intentional witness and proclamation of God’s presence in our lives. This blind man now sees with fresh eyes of faith. When our eyes are opened, we change and find the freedom to live as God’s own. We are invited not to remain in darkness but walk in the light of faith which leads to our giving all honor and glory to God.

Let us continue to pray for one another!


The Irish Emigrant Aid Society of New York


St. Patrick